Lightcurve Database Service
Laboratoire Lagrange UMR7293, Université de Nice
Sophia-Antipolis, CNRS, Observatoire de la Côte
implemented by:
J. Gerakis and the ASTEP Team - Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur

ASTEP Lightcurve Database Service is under development.
Please report any problem or send comments to
— this page
is the entry
point to the ASTEP Lightcurve Database Service. The service allows
users to search for lightcurves in the ASTEP database. Note
that only ASTEP 400 telescope data from 2010 until 2012 is
currently available.
Description — A-STEP
is a 40 cm
photometric telescope installed at Concordia
station on the
Antarctic plateau (Dome C). It has been operated 4 years between 2010
and 2013. Informations on A-STEP can be found here.
ASTEP has a field of 1° x 1° on the sky,
imaged on a
4096x4096 pixels detector. More than 50 fields were observed during the
first three years of operation for periods of two weeks up to two
months. Among them, 25 were observed for a research of extra-solar
planet transit. 43 planet candidates were identified. The candidate
list is accessible here.
You may also read the description of all fields in the database.
Quick Tutorial
For all users. Follow this
link for help about the use of the service. You can
also use directly the shortcuts below.
Advanced Help
For autorized users only. Here,
you will find useful information on how to manipulate, deploy and
update the database.
A-STEP Publications
- The
secondary eclipses of WASP-19b as seen by the ASTEP 400 telescope from
L. Abe, I. Gonçalves, A. Agabi, A. Alapini, T. Guillot, D.
Mékarnia, J.-P. Rivet, F.-X. Schmider, N. Crouzet, J.
Fortney, F. Pont, M. Barbieri, J.-B. Daban, Y.
Fanteï-Caujolle, C. Gouvret, Y. Bresson, A. Roussel, S.
Bonhomme, A. Robini, M. Dugué, E. Bondoux, S.
Péron, P.-Y. Petit, J. Szulágyi, T. Fruth, A.
Erikson, H. Rauer, F. Fressin, F. Valbousquet, P.-E. Blanc, A. Le van
Suu, S. Aigrain, A&A, 553, 49 (2013), http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.0973
- Transit
Search from Antarctica and Chile - Comparison and Combination
T. Fruth, J. Cabrera, Sz. Csizmadia, C. Dreyer, P. Eigmüller,
Erikson, P. Kabath, T. Pasternacki, H. Rauer, R. Titz-Weider, L. Abe,
A. Agabi, I. Gonçalves, T. Guillot, D. Mékarnia,
J.-P. Rivet, N. Crouzet, R. Chini, R. Lemke, M. Murphy, PASP,
126, 227 (2014) http://arxiv.org/abs/1403.1780
- Thermalizing
a telescope in Antarctica: Analysis of ASTEP observations
T. Guillot, L. Abe, A. Agabi, J.-P. Rivet, J.-B. Daban,
D.Mékarnia, E. Aristidi, F.-X. Schmider, N. Crouzet, I.
Gonçalves, C. Gouvret, S. Ottogalli, H.
Faradji, P.-E. Blanc, E. Bondoux, F. Valbousquet, Astron. Nach., 336,
638 (2015) 2015AN....336..638G [pdf]
- Planetary transit candidates observed by
- D. Mékarnia,
T. Guillot, J.-P. Rivet,
F.-X. Schmider, L. Abe,
I. Gonçalves, A. Agabi,
N. Crouzet, T. Fruth,
M. Barbieri, D. D. R. Bayliss,
G. Zhou,
E. Aristidi,
J. Szulagyi, J.-B. Daban,
Y. Fanteï-Caujolle, C. Gouvret,
A. Erikson,
H. Rauer, F. Bouchy,
J. GerakisG. Bouchez,
MNRAS, 443, 45 (2016) 2016MNRAS.463...45M
- Transit candidates list 2015 [html] [xls]
- Archive of candidates lightcurves 2015 [zip]
A catalog of eclipsing
binaries and variable stars observed with ASTEP 400 from Dome
C, Antactica
E. Chapellier, D.
Mékarnia,L. Abe,T.
K. Agabi,
J.-P. Rivet, F.-X. Schmider,
N. Crouzet,
and E. Aristidi, APJS, 226, 21 (2016) 2016ApJS..226...21C
Miscellanous Links
For instructions and credits see the FAQ.